Dr. Sheryl Lane has been serving as the director of the music and organist at Collierville Christian Church since the fall of 2000. In addition to leading the music at Collierville Christian, she teaches music education classes at the University of Memphis and Mid America College, manages the Germantown Youth Symphony and she teaches piano, violin, viola, cello, voice and guitar at the Germantown Baptist Church conservatory and Lausanne Collegiate School.
In her spare time, she enjoys ballroom dancing. Her husband, Ben, works as a trainer with Shelby Systems, a church computer software company. Dr. Lane has been involved in church music since she was born, because her father was a minister of music. She grew up enjoying church choirs, handbells, and church orchestras. Now she enjoys the opportunity to lead others to share their musical gifts and talents as they spread the good news of Jesus Christ through music.
Dr. Lane inspirationally leads our Traditional Service Volunteer Chancel Choir, Handbell Choir, instrumentalists and performs hymns and selections for Violin and Organ.
Mon to Thurs 9AM - 3PM
Contemporary Service: 9am - 10am
Sunday School: 10am - 11am
Traditional Service: 11am - 12pm